Monday 4 April 2011

Does Media have to define us?

Let’s face it without the modern use of technology and media we would be lost. If we are not looking on our iphones to check with weather of look up the latest movie, we are relaxing to our favorite music or television show. However when considering the imperative notion that media defines our lifestyles and attitudes I have to agree that yes it does. Only if you let it.
In his article Media,Culture & Society Dueze says, “Over the last few decades, these key areas of human existence have converged in and through our concurrent and continuous exposure to, use of and immersion in media, information and communication technolo­gies”.
There is no denying that the media we are exposed to influences and impacts the way we think, act and feel, yet sometimes the image we present externally can be harmful.  QUT student Brooke Lagana believes now is the time to be mindful about the image/brand we wish to project upon ourselves and she is right.

Similar to the Truman Show ideal that Dueze discusses as a metaphor of humans living in their own reality world, at times humans can be consumed by persuasive and alluring media and mistake fantasy for their own reality.
A perfect example of someone who never let materialistic items and beliefs affect their way of thinking is Chris Mcandles. A heart felt biography of his life entails a young man who ventured Into The Wild and shed the ignorance of society and media. Moreover, media certainly does not have to define our lives and thoughts as Chris stated on his journey,” I'm going to paraphrase Thoreau here... rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth”.

Deuze, M. (2011). Media Life. In Media, Culture & Society, Volume 33, issue 1, pp. 137-148

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